Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Double, No Triple Team

Curtis is back this morning making the Apple Dumplings and they are so amazing! They're selling already and the simple sugar and cinnamon sauce that gets drizzled atop the dough will give you the shakes. Guest chef Abus was sharing kitchen space with our resident culinary craftsman making her return to cook more lemon bars. Hopefully and with restraint I won't eat the majority of the yield again, but of course no promises are heard coming from my lips. She also gives me two crucial pieces of information while heading out of the door; 1. "I used twice the zest this time!" 2. "I'll bring back twice the amount of smoked salmon from Trader Joe's" of course Abus makes our much loved smoked salmon cream cheese. For those with the baited breath, it will be in house next week. Sweet tooth's everywhere are going nuts with each keystroke I make.

Not to be outdone, Bubba, of Red-Eye fame is making an epic run down the mountain to the metropolis of Elkins, WV and returning (hopefully before the mythic ten inches of snow falls) with six (6) dozen bagels! Joel and Katie have done it again and with Bubba at the wheel tonight we'll be knee deep in baked goods. Pesto, Everything, Blueberry, and Sun dried Tomato with Basil are the flavors working their way back up the mountain as I type. Thank you Bubba!

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