Wednesday, September 9, 2009

We're Keeping Score

Our normal mid-week solace was interrupted / entertained by the West Virginia K-9 Training crew. Maybe you've seen 'em, close-crop haircuts, gym-rat bodies, leaving small bags of weed around town, then giving their dogs a ball when they sniff out said bags of weed. Yeah, today one (1) of the "officers" tossed a baggie of dank under a branch right next to the HypnoCoffee road sign. The vessel was swamped with locals torn between running out to the sign and lifting the bag, and / or hopping into their cars and shagging ass. A lot of sweat was shed, but not to worry, your friends and neighbors are safe and free on their own recognisance. The dog never located the bag, obviously he was confused by the parking lot's scent. I did the best I could to protect our patrons by immediately roasting Ethiopia Harrar. Whatever... it worked...weed 1 dog 0!


Phil said...

you say your coffee can throw off the scent of the drug dogs, huh? Let me get 2 pounds of that roast with my next order . . . .

hypnohippie said...

Hmmmmm, I wonder why they would conduct their training at such a place. You probably lost a few customers today. Brings real meaning to the phrase, "Hippie-no-coffee"!!!!

Ethiofari said...

I trust the led me to not visit yer vessel until late in the afternoon...

Anonymous said...

Hypno's new roast...Rastafarian

Tim said...

A coffee blend should be made in honor of this event and a name should be given that is appropriate. I'll give it a about "Hypnoxification" or the "Burning Blend"

Anonymous said...

They are looking for the Mack Daddy Mother Lode:

"Current investigations are now centering on the Davis, WV area where authorities say these substances are suspected of being manufactured. Tucker County Substance Abuse Task Force is seeing highly suspicious behavior displayed by residents and visitors to this area and Occupied Amerika Enforcement Authorities of the Homeland Surveillance Bureau have been alerted."

Either that or Johnny Socco is back on the streets! Hey, where's my car?!?