Thursday, February 21, 2008

New Snow

Interesting morning; cops, tickets, inspections, insurance, house sales, and bagel delivery. Add to the mix Curtis and beer (more in a minute)! Charlie is running the show today, no mercy for any patrons, they are assaulted with dinosaurs and a new airplane (thanks Phil and Pam). Lindy was apparently a little tough on Chris and he seems to be ailing from the New Orleans flu this morning, thanks Lindy! All things considered (not copy-righted by NPR) the day is flowing well, a good pace is nice to find. The kitchen seems to be going double time today and what is coming out is the best yet:

Red Curry Chicken Soup $4.50 14oz.

Creamy Cheddar and Beer Soup $4.50 14oz.

Blueberry and Lemon Scones $1.25

HypnoCookies $1.00

Cinnamon Rolls $1.00

The Red Curry Chicken Soup blew my mind, a little hot, a lot of flavor, it's like a party in your mouth and everyone's invited! The Creamy Cheddar and Beer Soup is the smoothest drinking soup, cheesy, hoppy, with a delicate finish, and is Charlie approved. It also took me back to my waiter days at a fondue restaurant. I didn't think it was possible but the scones got better, more everything, blueberrier, more buttery, and the aftertaste of lemon zest is killer. As per the standing order, HypnoCookies and Cinnamon Rolls are fresh and awesome! Special thank you to Jordan, he jumped right in and washed dishes for Curtis after Curtis sold the job much like Tom Sawyer and his fence.

A note to the three or four law enforcement officers in Tucker County, the red Audi A4 with ski racks driven by the attractive female is indeed a local, not a wealthy visiting urbanite with a plethora of disposable income. Twice in a week and no moving violations? Come on!

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