Thursday, June 12, 2008


The best looking, healthiest, smartest and most civic-minded members or our community picked up their first CSA veggies today. What's that? You didn't get a CSA membership? Well, warm up the phone and call Backbone Farms' own Max or Katherine at 301-334-5633. Knowledge of your foods' origins is the new enlightenment.

Charlie and I joined the Director in the running of the shop today. Summer is down until the much anticipated Gretchen makes her first appearance in this mortal coil. I am pulling for a Friday the 13th delivery since Charlie too was a Friday the 13th baby. The day has been easy thanks to the weather and Abus coming by to cook lunch for us and give a window into which we can see the future of lunch in the shop. Today she whipped up an al dente pasta salad with fresh broccoli, black olives, garlic, parmesan cheese, and cherry tomatoes. It was refreshing to eat so well! Thanks Abus!

We are checking into options regarding tea in HypnoCoffee, necessitated by our roaster's recent conversion to another brand. The constant ebb and flow of products keeps me on my toes, ever-vigilent in the pursuit of high quality products for you. It's nice to know I'm not the only one; Rob and Melissa stopped in this morning and we shared some amusing stories regarding the pursuit of products. We should all thank Rob and Melissa (both of Heckbender fame) for their deligience, just getting good tortillas is a constant challenge. I'll keep everyone updated in regards to the tea... yes, and the baby.

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