Thursday, July 3, 2008

Taking Time For You

The sheer number of patrons and the absence of a Director today makes the keeping up with our re-blog-lationship tough. Not that I'm complaining, just telling it like it is. The CSA is here, I will eat all veggies left behind! John took no risks in this regard and was ahead of Katherine's delivery, early enough in fact, he was able to assist with the unloading. We are so fortunate to have an organic farm participate in a CSA program, and I hope more of you take advantage of this unique service next summer. I expect to see each and every one of you grow old gracefully!

Our first run of stickers are on the counter, take all you need; tag stop signs, tourist's automobiles, each other's foreheads, cover up that unsightly boyfriend's face, etc. etc. We still have some magnets for your ferrous metal cover-up jobs.

Keep your fingers crossed that the rain holds back, a deluge could ruin a night of explosions in the sky, and I for one want to see some explosions. Speaking of explosions, I've received a lot of positive feedback, both on the blog and in the shop regarding the "Tucker County Gladiator" post. We would have used Mike's visage long ago had I known. Also, thanks to the anonymous comment on the "Now You See Him..." post. I'm always happy to abet in cubicle escapism.

In celebration of the Fourth of July tomorrow we are barbequing ribs and serving them with Asian cole slaw. Ribs are one of my indulgences, and in the pursuit (several summers long) of the perfect dry-rub I have made my family's taste buds suffer through concoction after concoction, but it is worth it. I have a rub based on a recipe from the Farmer's Almanac, and with several tweaks it is now about perfect. I call it the Ben Franklin Rub (no jokes please) and it will be lending it's flavor to the rib party tomorrow! Abus and a Gary will also be lending their kung-fu-cooking skills to the kitchen tomorrow; yes the Fourth will be a good excuse to kick the diet aside! You have my permission to celebrate our indolence, I mean independence, by gorging thine self. Tis a tradition worthy of our diligent upkeep and fervent adherence to gastrointestinal fortitude shall be thy ambition.

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