Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Back On Duty

Charlie and I survived a wet adventure in Cooper's Rock S.P. We nearly floated away Friday night; if not for our experiences at sea we would surely have perished. We encountered only one (1) metro sexual semi-urban male on the trail system, outfitted in full cycling regalia with an expensive mountain bike still garnished with the latest WVMBA number plate affixed to the handlebars; who made the snide comment that the trail was a little rough..."for the kid". To which I responded, "maybe for your kid". Of course Charlie slept through that particular encounter, and everyone else we met was from firmer, heartier, more masculine stock...even the ladies were tougher than that one (1) WVMBA rider. Note to Mackie...be more selective in your membership processes, perhaps a photo of each applicant so that you can deny the applicants with that metro-douche-look?

That last sentence was in no way meant to set up this photo, but having said that... HypnoPal Bert took a spill on his motorcycle last week and brought his battered body in the ship for medical inspection and ridicule. That motorcycle ain't gonna learn to ride itself...you should know this after the deer nearly killed you last time.


Anonymous said...

Note well taken...You should have told me you were going to Cooper's Rock and I would have warned you about the Iron Furnace parking area which is where men of the gay variety seem to congregate.

That said, you have been training diligently to go the distance of 26.5 miles for months now while the one (1) metro sexual semi-urban male on the trail system, outfitted in full cycling regalia with an expensive mountain bike still garnished with the latest WVMBA number plate affixed to the handlebars covered that distance [easily and in less time] with little or no training at all! I'd only been gone for less than a week and I'd changed so much you didn't even recognize me!...just kidding.

No I've been held captive and tortured here on campus by the latest female fashion craze of short shorts, you know the kind I mean with the butt cheeks partially hanging out the bottoms? Nice...kinda like hot pants from the 70's. Wasn't that a James Brown song?

Konijn said...

I give lessons!