Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Three Dog Night... and Dim Sum


Community badminton keeps going. It is becoming a weekly event and instead of the golf course, it is where business in our area is now conducted. Pregame yesterday had representatives from Meyer House B & B, Highland Prospects, Mountain State Brewery, and HypnoCoffee in preliminary talks regarding the formation of a SBA. If you are a local business owner, you'll be hearing from us soon. A local business oriented think tank is the goal, and I know most of you have great ideas to share. The games last night were fast and furious, Josh showed up late to join Willie, Chip, Jared, Jeremy, Chloe, and myself on the battle field. The only announced business versus business game was fought between Mountain State and HypnoCoffee. Chloe and I (HypnoTeam) did combat against Willie and Jared (Mountain State), and the game did not want to end. In accordance with US Badminton rules you must win by two (2), thus our game continued well past fifteen (15). Chloe and I finally prevailed thanks to a game winning ace by Chloe and a score of nineteen (19) to seventeen (17)! The rest of the games were well played affairs, Albeit a little tough on some; Chip suffered a shuttlecock to the eye and is probably nursing a shiner today. After play the battered and exhausted athletes noshed on a backyard delicacy of hot-dogs and the last order of Dim Sum. We all shared in the Dim Sum and it balanced out the hot-dogs perfectly. Upon completing three (3) dogs, Willie completed my thought on it being a three (3) dog night with the brilliant, "and dim sum!" It was so good it made the title, well done Willie! Competition brings your sense of humor to the fore, and I am the beneficiary. Chip and I agree on the need to have a record party(you remember records, your parent's probably had them, they were large, black, plastic discs containing music performed by musicians you've only heard of). Stay tuned for where's and when's. Thanks to all in the community for the fun we're having; consider playing in the next badminton tourney, they are more fun than you should be allowed to have in a yard.

Curtis dropped in to bake some more Chocolate Oat Bars and Cookies. Thanks Curtis! Also attending the HypnoMorning were babies, Zanna and Arden, good to see you both. A fresh supply of coffee should hit the HypnoDock this afternoon, and contained within is Summer's favorite, Mexican Chiapas. Make some time for that brew, and keep your ears to the trail when inside the shop. Who knows when we will make another batch of experimental smoothies, if you are lucky enough to present, you too can sample the wares. Just ask Mackie or Al about today's smoothie, Pineapple!

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