Friday, April 4, 2008

Loosen That Belt

In preparation for Biscuits and Jam we have reloaded the counter with sweet tooth satisfying baked goods. Putting the bullets in the chamber were Abus, Curtis, and Gary; the trifecta of diabetes and tooth decay. Hurting yourself has never tasted so good.

Abus' Contribution:

Lemon Bars $1.00 per

Curtis' Contribution:

Blueberry Grapefruit Scone $1.25

Cinnamon Swirl Bread $1.00

Chocolate Cream Cheese Brownies $.75

HypnoCookies $1.00

Gary's Contribution:

Raspberry Orange Cake $2.00 per

Monkey Muffins $1.25

Cinnamon Rolls $1.00

Abus brought her Dad in for the assist and churned out Summer's favorite sweet, Lemon Bars. Curtis decided to forgo our kitchen in favor of cooking at home, but produced some of his finest. The Scones use grapefruit instead of the usual lemon, nice touch! The Chocolate Cream Cheese Brownies were such a hit he has brought back a second batch, so act quickly; the Cinnamon Swirl Bread is something new and goes great with coffee. As always HypnoCookies are in the jar! Gary keeps bringing the funk, represented by the new rock star of baked goods, Monkey Muffins. He can't cook these fast enough. He also threw in Cinnamon Rolls and another Raspberry Orange Cake for good measure. We are loaded for bear this weekend.

Welcome back to our pal Bubba ( ) and let the re-tweaking start now. That suburban experience of consuming Starbucks this past week has left his taste buds misaligned and the treatment began this morning with a Caramel Macchiato...let the healing begin!

Thanks to Mel for the large order of Mochas this morning; now that's a great way to start things off, she adds a shot of Orange to the Mocha, and obviously her recipe has others hooked as well. Don't forget, loyal reader, if you begin to salivate or your coffee buzz has waned we will deliver to you; but only you, and yes it's because we love you.

Tomorrow brings Stevie and the Johnson, show starts at 11am. Summer will make a "mess-load" of buttermilk biscuits, and as before, our friends at Mountain Made are supplying the jam; thanks again! We look forward to spending the morning with our mountaintop neighbors and warriors of the morning alike.

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