Looky-looky. The roastery is finally catching its breath after a busier than expected holiday. Now its Cade's turn. To ensure the hypnovessel keeps a good bearing during this, their busy week, I have sent our own male model, Cody, to assist. Heaven knows the coffee talent in Davis begins and ends with Cade, plus the mountain-top needs a fresh face that possess a smart mouth. Hence, Cody! He's ready to rock faces and is funnier than most...so enjoy o' tourists and local denizens of the greater Canaan area. Our goal is to keep people happy whilst on board the vessel, and Cody is a more than capable seaman (insert your "that's what she said" joke here). Fair thee well busy bees on the mountain. Keep your lattes appointed with art, and your skis on trails rather than lifts.
your latte art looks like a baby rhino queef.
Well said. Free the heel and the mind will follow.
Me thinks the art looks like Chip's pube art. I would know.
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