Friday, February 15, 2008

Operation Bagel Freedom

Well, we are fighting this battle with a two pronged attack. Our enemy, Lack of Bagels (LOB), has mocked us with a three day weekend and the promise of throngs of bagel eaters. As faithful readers know, I made a cyber request to Summer's uncle for a delivery, Attack #1. Saturday morning Uncle Chris will make a stop at the Bagel Smith to pick up four dozen bagels, slide behind the wheel of his capable and fast Audi, traverse three states, and enter our battle theatre midday with enough re enforcements to scare hunger out of the hills! Yesterday, feeling confident about the Uncle Chris delivery strategy, Gary calls us with a name and a number to help with a second attack. Digits pressed, words exchanged, and BOOM, another three dozen bagels from Joel and Kate Wolpert! Attack #2. Take that LOB and your three day weekend! Tall cotton, high on the hog, fat, dumb, and happy, whatever you call it we're there tomorrow. Viva Le Bagel!!!

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