Thursday, August 14, 2008

Cake Eaters!

Not Just Billy, apparently you do as well! Gary's coffee cakes are on fire (no pun intended)! You probably noticed Gary's increased presence in our kitchen. It is a direction we intend on continuing as baked goods and dessert items are becoming more of a focus. Gary has also revised and revamped a couple of old favorites, Chocolate Oat Bars, and HypnoCookies. Both are back and better than ever! Read on for more coffee shop news!

By all the bright shining faces and clear eyes, it has come to my attention that too few of you are aware of Mountain State's new night. The pub is now open on Wednesday nights! I expect to see you bleary-eyed next Thursday full of reports on Wed night ridiculousness.

One of our least, I mean most, favorite customers, Sarah H. inadvertently left behind a debit card. What to do? I emailed Miss Manners for advice...after three (3) days mysterious Internet charges are to be expected by the careless individual. Today is day three (3) and wouldn't you know it, Sarah called, asking if I knew of this absent card. Oh well, the hot tub will have to wait.

I'm just going to say it; the Advocate coverage of our epic kick ball game left a lot to be desired. Next time I advise the editorial staff to contact me, obtain permission, and lift sporting event coverage directly from this blog or J.R.'s blog. I did, however, get a "kick" out of the game even making it into the Tucker County paper of record. Good choice of news stories!

As with most of you, the Olympics is front and center, and just like you I have been watching as much Badminton as possible. There is definitely an opening for me. Is it possible for us to take Badminton seriously, elevating it beyond its position as a barbecue lawn game? I noticed that the Olympians fail to consume beer between shots and there is nary a foul word exchanged between opponents. What gives? For elite players I doubt they could hold their own playing by "street rules".

Scuttlebutt on the boulevard, if true, has a branch store of our friends Highland Prospects opening in Elkins around spring of 2009. Rumor has it Ben will be in the Elkins store, which is good news for us! Hopefully the convenience stores in Elkins are well stocked on caffeinated energy drinks, lest Ben find his way back up the mountain. Here at the HypnoVessel we are eyeballing a coffee roaster. I plan on roasting single origin coffees and an espresso blend. We are getting close to purchasing one (1), so expect micro-batch hand roasted coffee around the new year!

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